So I LOVE the nákd bars but at €1.05 a bar it's too pricey for me to enjoy as often as I would like to. They are sooo easy to make and I promise they taste better than they look! No baking involved at all just cold pressed so super easy. This particular one is based on he Rhubarb & Custard one.

Raisins/ Currants
Cashew Nuts
Tin Foil
1. I have no strict measuring for this recipe but I basically put 50% cashew nuts 30% dates and 20% currants (you can use raisins either) into my blender and blend them. It is easier to do each lot individually as I find it all sticks really easily and makes it hard to mix.
2. Take out of the blender and if done individually mix together in a bowl.
3. Get a piece of tin foil and lay it out flat. Place the mixture on the tinfoil and roll out. Wrap in the tinfoil and leave in the fridge over night.
4. Take out of tinfoil cut into squares and enjoy.
I also like to make these into little round biscuits as well as they are quite filling as a full bar.