I am a 23 year old Irish female who was diagnosed with Coeliac disease in November 2015 after a very long battle which has left me unable to work for almost a year. You will find the full details in 'My Story'.
The aim of this blog is to document my journey and maybe help someone who is finding it difficult to come to terms with and adapt to, as someone who has led a normal life up to now. My story is also aimed to help anyone currently struggling to find a diagnoses and maybe point them in the right direction.
I will offer a range of recipes, supplements, exercise regimes and reviews of books, magazines, restaurants and all things coeliac related that could be of benefit to coeliac sufferers. As well as an extensive list of resources that I myself have found helpful so far in my journey. I am not medically qualified so if you are unsure of anything please consult your own GP or dietician as I can only recommend what has worked for me.
Feel free to comment, share and contact me personally on pommeberries@hotmail.com with any queries or questions that you may have and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Follow me on snapchat and instagram for a little bit more content, find the links to the right.
Please bare with me as I am in the very early stages of developing this blog but I promise there is lots of good things to come.
Stay healthy,
Danielle x