For some reason, every time I get glutened I find myself frantically searching for cures or how to ease my symptoms as I some how forget what I did the last time. I am in no way medically qualified but it is just what works for me personally and what I have learned from myself. Here is a list of my essentials for getting over a bad glutening:
- Tablets.
Buscopan, Domerid/Motillium, Lanzaprazole, Imodium, should always have a stash of the above around, I keep them beside my bed so if I wake up sick in the night I don't have to go rummaging for them in sheer desperation. My go to is always domerid as I always get really bad nausea and vomiting. Occasionally I use buscopan but only if I have really bad cramps. Lanzaprazole I find always helps when the domerid doesn't fully clear the feeling of nausea and Imodium I try to avoid unless extremely necessary as I figure (excuse the TMI) it's better to let it out than staying in to cause more damage.
- Showbox / Netflix. All I want to do when I'm sick is curl up in bed. It's so handy to have a go to show to help you feel a bit less sorry for yourself while you are lying there.
- Peppermint Tea and Ginger Tea. Again always good for just settling your stomach.
- Water. Lots and lots of water to flush out everything and keep hydrated. If you can't eat 7up is usually good to have around too as the salt and sugar in it will keep you form getting weak.