Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Juvela Welcome Pack

When first diagnosed Coeliac you can obtain a small form to fill out that entitles you to a free Welcome Pack from Juvela. As far as I know this is the brand that used to be covered under the medical card scheme here in Ireland.

I sent away for the pack back at the start of December and received it roughly 2 months later at the start of February so don't be waiting by the door for it because it will be a long wait.

My pack contained 6 products which were :
  1. Gluten Free Pure Oats
  2. Gluten Free White Mix
  3. Gluten Free Fibre Sliced Loaf
  4. Gluten Free White Buns
  5. Gluten Free Tea Biscuits
  6. Gluten Free Digestives
The Oats I couldn't try myself as I am still in the early stages so have been told to avoid them for now but they look great, really big oats. My mum tried them and loved them.

The white mix again I have not used as I am waiting to use it for something I really want. If you visit www.coeliac-ireland.com there are loads of recipes for pizza bases etc that use this in their recipe. So when I do try it I will have a recipe up with it for you to see.

The sliced loaf is great, it's one of the better loafs I have eaten although I have only eaten it toasted but I really liked it. It is one of the only ones so far that I find doesn't smell like gone off brown bread.

The white buns are a really nice sweet treat. Really nice with some Strawberry Jam and butter or even with some ham and soup but they really are quite sweet. They are fortified with calcium aswel which is an added bonus to someone with coeliac disease.

The biscuits are not my cup of tea to be honest. I wouldn't have been much of a biscuit fan to begin with but these are really tough and just taste like eating a brick to be honest but it's good to be able to try them. They include some recipes on the back for cheese cakes so I might use them for that and see how I get on with them but for now it's safe to say I don't like them.

Make sure and visit the www.juvela.co.uk and see about getting your free welcome pack.