
The following are a list of websites that help you get on your feet and come to terms with coeliac disease:

      1. Coeliac Ireland

          This is the link to the Coeliac Society of Ireland website. The website itself I did not     find very useful but if you join and pay the €30 membership fee you receive a package which includes the 'food list' for that year which is basically a little book that details all the 100% safe gluten free foods and even goes as far as detailing items per store eg. Dunnes, Aldi, Lidl etc.

      2. Coeliac UK

          This is the link to the Coeliac UK website. Again the website is not amazing but I love this one so much more. I paid £14 for concession membership which gives you access to an app available from google play store which is sooo helpful when you are out and about. It enables you to scan barcodes and search for items and will tell you there and then whether they are suitable or not. I find this so much handier than the book from Coeliac Ireland.

      3. Coeliac Experiences


           This is a link to a group that I help out with and have now become Administrator of called Coeliac Experiences on facebook. This group is mainly people in Ireland sharing their experiences and different offers that are on.

      4. GUT's UK

         This is a group set up by Coeliac UK for gluten free under thirties. I benefit from this group as well as I can get some of these products in Northern Ireland so I find it really good for new products that I might not have been aware of.